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Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management Plant

Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management Plant

Municipal solid waste our menace in the growth of the country after many challenges. Modernity is faced with disposal of municipal solid waste or MSW happens to be one of the most gruesome ones management and disposal of MSW has become a major challenge for the urban local bodies. The world over as per the report submitted by the central Pollution Control Board. The total quantity of waste generation is about one lac thirty five thousand 198 tons per day out of which one lac eleven thousand 28 tonnes per day. That is 80 percent is collected twenty five thousand five hundred seventy two tons per day that is 20 percent is treated and 47 thousand four hundred fifty six tonnes per day that is 35% is landfill in the wrapper Municipal Corporation area. 

Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management Plant
 The waste generation is in the order of 250 tons per day the MSW is classified into two categories live and then this classification is based on source of collection of wastes. The wastes collected daily from households, markets bins that's etc by the municipalities are called light wastes and the wastes dumped for long periods at landfill sites are called dead wastes municipal solid waste constitutes. A terrible health hazard for all people flora and fauna. The disposal is fraught with risks burning the waste at the dump sites causes a high level of pollution contaminated wastes and toxic residues from incinerators can pollute groundwater easily and to alarming degrees when fired and electric incinerators used to dispose wastes at low temperatures often result in release of harmful carcinogenic gases.

Let's take a look at the process of disposal of live wastes the domestic wastes collected from the landfill contains organics and plastics with a little amount of other inert materials. The waste requires judicious segregation treatment for disposal w4u has developed mechanized segregation plant, where the for treatment of the ways. They are segregated into four primary categories metallic wastes such as metal bodies and containers biodegradable wastes like vegetables fruits other foodstuffs and cross non-biodegradable wastes that include plastics packaging materials pouches and bottles. An inert waste such as glass and stones generally the waste materials from households are disposed off in plastic bags. 

Municipal Solid Waste Management

 The bags are first dropped in a crusher where the bags are torn off and the materials come out into the hopper hot air is passed over the materials so that the surface moisture is reduced substantially which facilitates the further segregation process while passing the MSW over a horizontal roller conveyor. It is exposed to hot air in the temperature range of 45 to 50 degrees Celsius, the dried materials are passed over a rotary magnetic drum separator and eddy current separator where the ferrous components and non-ferrous metal components are separated. 

Working Steps: 

1.       1. Hopper

 2. Poly Bag Crasher 

3. Vertical Conveyor with heater 40-50°C for Drying

4. Rotary magnetic drum separator and eddy current separator where the ferrous components and non-ferrous metal components are separated  

5. The rest of the ways are sent to the air separation unit through the inclined bucket conveyor the materials fall from the hopper into the air separation unit due to gravity during this free fall the heavy mass falls quickly 

 6. But plastics remain in the floating conditions due to air resistance these floating plastics are being forced to flow into the perpendicular direction using high-pressure air blower the separated

7. Plastic waste is collected in the perforated hopper, 

 8. The remaining material comes onto an inclined vibratory screen the sanitary items; large packets, bottles etc are blocked over the mesh and generated vibration facilitate its travel along the inclined

9. Finally get collected inside the attached upper the undersized materials mainly biomass is collected in the bottom hopper


10. Earlier the wastes such as biomass along with cow dung in surplus quantity are sent to the bio-methanation unit here the organic wastes are used for biogas production a complex microbiological process called bio-methanation is used for the efficient production of biogas. Biogas production from organic waste is a well-developed technology in this process.

11. Biomass grinder camps Terra has been developed and incorporated in the heating chamber where the biomass are being grind-ed and simultaneously is being mixed with fresh water and recycled slurry in the Stara as a single unit in the anaerobic digester when the biogas is produced the floating dome is moved upward in this area.

12. The ultrasonic position sensor senses the position of the dome and accordingly the compressor switched on or off. The compressor sucks the gas from the floating dome and stoves the gas in the storage tank. The slurry coming out of the digestion chamber is towed in the slurry tank slurry pumps have been installed which sent the slurry in the feeding chamber as per the required which helps in recycling of slurry water resulting in reduction of fresh water.


Municipal Solid Waste Management - Biogas

Consumption bio-gas is a mixture of methane, carbon dioxide, water vapor, hydrogen sulfide and other gases are generated from anaerobic digestion of biomass. The methane gas can now be used as a fuel gas for cooking purpose in the kitchen, the methane gets enriched after carbon dioxide scrubbing the enriched methane gas can now be used in gas engine for electricity generation after anaerobic digestion. The spent slurry becomes excellent organic nanio that is rich in nitrogen phosphorus and potassium after it has dried the Manya is used in agricultural fields.

The non bio-degradable waste and inert wastes are separated through gravimetric method after air separation the plastic wastes are air separated and shredded to specific size thereafter the plastic wastes are sent for its disposal through the pyrolysis or class mode gasification process

Plastic Re-use

12.A. Solid waste materials generated on a daily basis can also be disposed off with the help of electric arc plasma technology. Wherein electric ionization is carried out through low voltage in the range of 30 to 50 volts and high current in the range of 200 - 300 amperes between two electrodes. The temperature is raised to as high as 3,000 degrees Celsius during the ionization process the chances of production of toxic gases like dioxin and foreign at such high temperatures and anaerobic conditions are bleak.

12.B.  The segregated plastic wastes our first shredded to remove the entrapped air and to increase the effective surface area in the plasma gasification process. It is essential to maintain anaerobic conditions the continuous feeding of the shredded polymer waste is utilized involving the two knife-edged evolves operating alternately in tandem. The upper valve is opened which allows the feed material to enter and after closing the top valve, the lower one is opened to allow the feed to reach the heart by gravity the hearth houses. 

Municipal Solid Waste Management - Plastic Recycle

 Three graphite electrodes inclined to each other at an angle of 120 degrees, which acts as the cathode at the base is the carbon anode which when comes in contact with the catheter produces the plasma zone.  The electrode position is controlled by rotating the holding knob from outside the output gases are mainly carbon monoxide, hydrogen, hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide that rotted gas after passing through the plasma treatment is made to pass through the carbon sieves that is tradeoffs reactors.

This process leads to enrichment of carbon monoxide the catalytic converter is used to convert any traces of higher hydro carbon to lower forms and finally into carbon monoxide and hydrogen catalysts like nickel is used for this purpose. The gas is then cleaned in cyclone separator and scrubber and then cooled in the condenser the carbon monoxide and hydrogen enriched syngas has high calorific value the gas is primarily stored in a gas holder and used for generation of electricity with the help of gas engine.

13. Based on the same plasma based technology polybag destroyer which can be installed as per the requirement shredded polymer wastes can also be utilized in the pyrolysis unit. Pyrolysis is the thermal degradation of wastes in the absence of air that generates a gas often called syngas a liquid also called bio oil and a solid material called char consisting of ash and carbon. 

Municipal Solid Waste Management - Plastic Recycle - oil

The plastic wastes are heated at a temperature of around 350 degrees to 450 degrees Celsius in the absence of oxygen and the condensable substances in the form of oil while the non-condensable particles forms. The gas which can be utilized in burning thus utilizing the energy for the heating process of the system or else can be utilized for electricity generation with the help of gas engine. The pyrolysis oil can be utilized as petrol alternate fuel or PF, which can be utilized in industrial boilers and generators as it has equivalent calorific value for diesel.

14. The w4u technologies also help in utilization of construction and demolition waste or simply C&D wastes the composition of C & D wastes can vary depending upon the types of buildings being constructed or the age of the building being demolished or renovated. W4U has developed 20 tons per day.

C & D waste crushing systems, where the C & D waste can be directly dumped into the feeding hopper from the waste carrying tractor or damper the dumped waste then shall be sent from the hopper to the crusher through the vibratory chute and inclined belt conveyor. The debris is then crushed in the jaw crusher the crushed materials then sent into the rotary trammel using the vibratory chute.

The trammel has mesh size of two millimeter and five millimeter the different size material has come out from the trammel the oversize materials come out from the other end the oversize materials are being used as the aggregates for PCC different works like construction of pavement car parking and embankment of tar road etc are being carried out utilizing.

These aggregates the segregated vines coming out of the trammel are mixed with at appropriate proportion with binder and water in the mixing machine. The resultant mixture is the feed-stock for bricks the mixture of optimum quantity is then fed in the die cavity of the brick-making machine.

The material is then pressed using the punch the pressure is being generated and controlled in the hydraulic power pack this gives the mixture a definite shape the bricks are then cured in normal water for seven to ten days to have the desired strength once found to be in order these bricks could then be used as construction materials.

15. w4u has developed technologies to convert agro wastes into briquettes that can be used as effective fuel for cooking purposes. At the w4u complex highly sustainable fuel briquettes are created from the dried leaves and dead branches scattered.

All over the Institute and Colony area, they are mixed with the slurry of the biogas plant cow dung in appropriate proportion, which acts as a binder this is fed in the briquette-making machine developed by w4u. They are not only cost effective but very desirable for reasons of simplicity in use and Eco-friendly aspects the produced briquettes are first air dried.

Before being utilized in smokeless stove developed by w4u the stove has two combustion chambers in the primary chamber. The briquettes are burnt and the same fumes are used in the secondary chamber for heating it has very nominal smoke emission, which is Eco-friendly and maintains a healthy working atmosphere for the end-user.


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